Monday, January 14, 2013

7/7/12 (this was written then sorry for the late post)

Hey Guys! I'm so sorry. I know it has been a while but I'm back again :) Did you miss me? Probably not but that's fine. So, it's been about months since my last post but I'm still ecstatic about my against-the-odds acceptance. Since then not much has transpired. 

School has ended for me (which I am glad about). Even though I am glad I still get subtle pangs of nostalgia every now and again. It sort of scares me to know I won't be walking into high school with my four best friends beside me. I mean, I'm practically on my own. I have to go out without knowing a soul and make friends. I've never really been the type to talk to people first but I know that in a boarding school environment it is important to talk to other people.

I've been assigned my dorm and luckily I HAVE A SINGLE! Yay! I'm a really private person at times and I think it is better that way. I've begun speaking to many of the people in more dorm on Facebook & they are delightful. I'm so excited to be residing with them. I'm sure it'll be a blast.

Speaking of which, it is July so I thought it was time to begin friending students from my school. I've been boarder-line obsessive and completely meticulous about how I friend. The people who attend my school are so beautiful based on what I've seen on visits and on Facebook. I'm not sure whether that is a good or bad thing. I say July is a pretty good time to begin friending those who you will be attending school with. Friending them in the March-June months is a bit early in my opinion but I see no problem with it. I would have but I was so anxious about what they'd think of me if I did. Based on my results today (I've gained about 220 friends from my new school in the last two days). But personally, it might be better to wait until, maybe a few days before you get there or once you do.

Tip #3
Sometimes Stepping Out of your Comfort-Zone is a GOOD Thing
I can name countless times in my life where I missed out on great opportunities because I was unable to step out of my comfort zone. I mean, why chart the daunting, ominous unknown when you can stay warm and stagnant in a comfort-zone? Does staying in your comfort zone really hold you back? Of course not. Something that feels so good could not possibly have any adverse affects, right? Wrong. 

When you're in a new place the worst possible place to be (at least for me) is, in fact, the "comfort-zone". I am some what of a homebody and would rather stay home and watch Gone With the Wind than have a "wild" night, or even any type of night out with friends. Yes, I could technically be classified as introverted but I'm not. This is going to sound weird but I don't get recharged from being alone. I love being around people and laughing and having a good time but the thing that stops me is getting out is the rejection based anxiety that I sometimes have. I get really worried that people are judging me, seeing the flaws & imperfections, and thinking that I am ugly. That is the main thing that holds me back from stepping out of my comfort-zone and talking to people (especially attractive people) but I know it's necessary.

I now make a conscious effort to speak to new people that I meet.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Hi, guys. This is my first post on this blog. Actually this is my first blog post ever. I don't know if anyone is ever going to see this but if anyone ever was to I hope this helps them. There probably already is a blog like this somewhere but I didn't see it in my time of need so I thought "why not create my own?" and that is where I am now. I'll give you a little background.

I am currently in the 8th grade and I go to a Public Middle School in my town. This year I have received all A's every marking period. Last year I received more B's than A's. In the year before that I had many D's and F's at the end of the year and A's/B's at the beginning. By the end of the year almost all of my grades were C's when averaged together. Sometimes I really wonder how I was accepted to a "top tier" school. Just to give you even more information on myself I was accepted to a  GLADCHEMMS  school. I scored in the 80's on my SSAT and I am a URM. 

I could say more about myself but I'd prefer not to. I was accepted to a  GLADCHEMMS school and I plan on attending the school. It was the only school I was accepted to. It's been a long process and I am glad that I have received the desired results. 

So, as I travel through my boarding school experience I'll post things, update, and talk about my life as it occurs. I'll probably give you some handy tips on how to make your BS life great.

Tip #1
Make sure your Top Choice Knows That they are your Top Choice!

This is extremely important to admission. My top choice school knew they were my top choice since before my first visit. I would always send letters, emails, and other things saying they were my top choice. Heck! I even said it in my admissions essay and on my tour/interview. They probably got tired of hearing about how much I liked them. Also I was waitlisted or rejected at ALL OF THE OTHER SCHOOLS THAT I APPLIED TO. Why? Probably because when they asked what my top choice school was I told the truth. Certain times you need to know when to tell the truth and when not to... oops.

Tip #2
People who tell you to "only be yourself" are practically setting you up for failure

Unless you are born perfect with the great work ethic, the looks, the athleticism, and everything else beneficial then you most likely do not go around "just being yourself" 100% of the time. There are reasons why people only reveal their "true selves" to a select group. 

Now, I'm not telling you to be fake. I'm not telling you to be someone you aren't and make up lies about yourself. I'm telling you that being your regular self will most likely not cut it. You have to be the best you you can possibly be. Just skirting by will not help you. You got into boarding school so you are most likely capable but its up to you to put the effort in and make your years there count! 

Join something you usually wouldn't. Become friends with that person who you normally wouldn't. Step out of your comfort zone and experience new things. Boarding school isn't all about the "superior education". It is about the people you meet and the adventures you have while attending. 

Push yourself. Do better than you ever would have imagined. If your shy make it a point to be friends with everyone in your dorm, become a tour guide, or even class president. If you usually hang out with only a certain type people try to hang out with other people who maybe aren't exactly your first choice friends. If you don't usually study or do your homework until the last minute (like me) then try to get all your work done in advance. Just try your bet to better than what you were before.

I was looking online and I found this quiz. Feel free to take it if you'd like. Here is my result. 

I thought it was both cute and funny I got this because I actually am going to boarding school and it would be sad if I didn't. See what you guys get :)

A Message From the Author: I honestly can not believe I am telling you guys to do all of this stuff. Sometimes I can be a bit of a hypocrite so when I go to boarding school I'm going to try my best to take my own advice. This should be fun ;) 
